Is your water safe?
The EPA's review of vinyl chloride highlights critical concerns about the safety of PVC pipes in your water systems, so what can you do about it?
Take ActionWhat is Vinyl Chloride?

Vinyl Chloride
Classified by the World Health Organization as a human carcinogen, vinyl chloride has long been known to be associated with severe health and environmental hazards.

EPA Review
In an important step of public health and environmental safety, the EPA has designated vinyl chloride as a high-priority substance.


Contact a regional engineer for guidance amid the ongoing EPA review of vinyl chloride and planning for the future of water utilities.

Make informed decisions about the safety and sustainability of your water infrastructure.
The Environment Protection Agency's review of vinyl chloride highlights critical concerns about the safety of PVC pipes in our water systems. Now is the time to act and ensure the health of your community and for future generations.
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Stay Informed
The EPA’s process could take several years, so for updates on the ongoing EPA review of vinyl chloride, its impact on water utilities and what you can do to ensure safe drinking water in your community, subscribe to our mailing list.
Need more information?
DIPRA’s regional engineers are here to provide support and resources for making informed decisions and ensuring safe drinking water for your communities.
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